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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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  1. Vote for an existing Idea. The popularity of an Idea helps us understand its importance to our users.

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All ideas

Showing 371 of 371

Bentley Expedition: NEED

The North European Enclosure Dam (NEED) is just one of those staggering mega projects that those crazy europeans might actually try. The stakes seem high enough. Maybe the Chinese Belt and Road programme makes more sense now. A lot of the ports wi...
Guest about 5 years ago in  0 Will not implement

Static seismic loading as per Eurocode

Currently, STAAD.Pro only has options for generating Response spectra loads as per Eurocode. Users have requested to implement Eurocode for Static seismic cases as well.
Aswathi A about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Quick Commands (Shortcuts by Pressing Space Key)

Please make the set quick commands stay even after updating the STAAD software.
Guest about 3 years ago in  2 Future consideration

Mexican LFRD to update to current version

Now current Mexican LRFD code included in STAAD.Pro is from 1987. The current version 2017 or newer is needed.
Guest about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Link Element

Introducing the link element option to define the translational and rotation spring and its stiffness property in between two element interface in Staad (member to member , plate to member , plate to plate).. For example, Glass Facade (plate eleme...
Biswatosh Purkayastha about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

In the SPPM Spreadsheet: Members - Add Section Property and Material

As the title says, add section property and material to the Members spreadsheet in the physical modeler. This might not be "consistent" with how things are done in the spreadsheet ribbon, but so often when modelling the user wants to group the mem...
Ryan Freund about 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

If it require Multiple Line Edits or Requires Macro to make it productive, that Feature is primed for inclusion in Future Version of Physical/Analytical Model.

Since Physical Model is a preferred way, Users should not be forced to edit the .STD input file and must be included as a Standard feature and Users should not be forced to tweak input file.
Guest about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Delete a saved view

Hi all, I made some views for the purpose of output extracting. However, I made some mistakes and some of the saved view are not proper as I want. Could I delete a view somehow? For example as in the picture below, how can I delete the view "B1 n...
Guest about 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

Translational Repeat in non-global directions

It would be better to have Translational repeat for inclined planes too in addition to X/Y/Z with reference plane or nodes. It is good for adding members or frames from inclined plane to same inclination plane
Guest about 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

Design ratio for different parts of the design

It would be very useful to see section utilization ratios due to stresses only. For now it is available an overview of utility which includes stability checks .
Guest about 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration