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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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All ideas

Showing 157

OpenSTAAD Function to Delete/Remove Existing Design Brief(s)

There exists a function to create a new design brief OSDesignUI::CreateDesingBrief(). However, there is no function to remove/delete existing design brief(s). Please review and consider adding this function.
Srinivasa Rao Masanam 4 months ago in  3 Future consideration

In wind load generator, please incorporate wind load in other directions such as X & Z. Also, wind load on roof truss & corners needs to be incorporated.

There is no way to add wind load in other direction in case of unclad building. For example : - staad taking load case only in one direction i.e. +X, whenever I try to add another case in z direction, previous case gets deleted automatically. So, ...
Shubhankar Chatterjee 10 months ago in  3 Future consideration

addition of new beams in existing group definition

currently if anyone need to add the beams in group definition, all the beams including existing added need to be selected. if new beams can be added without selecting existing beams, it will be easier
Guest 2 months ago in  1 Future consideration

Steel AutoDrafter: Customized Offset Distance

Steel Auto-Drafter draws member releases with a 20mm offset by default. The user would like to set this offset distance to an arbitrary distance. Additionally, the user would like to set separate distances for each of the following members: ...
Abhisek Mandal over 1 year ago in  6 Future consideration

To customize formula or coefficient for Live Load reduction

Now, Staad.Pro includes the option of Reducible Live Load by UBC/IBC. But the formula included is 16-23 instead of 16-22. Also, Staad uses equation 16-23 for load type Live and type Roof Live, instead of using section 1607.11 for Roof Live and equ...
Guest 10 months ago in  2 Future consideration

Make Staad Multi Processor (Multi-Threaded)

This would cut down the analysis time required by STAAD significantly. If it is too much work to change the solver code to benefit from multi-threads, can at least each basic load or each load combination be run at a different thread? There's no r...
Rafael Salgado over 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration

Do not Auto split the design parameter & loadings.

When dealing with a substantial number of members within a STAAD model, the design parameters tend to split automatically. Consequently, this automatic splitting poses challenges when attempting to review the design parameters. The same situation ...
Kanagarasu Kandasamy 9 months ago in  1 Future consideration

Add grid lines

Grid lines are already included when using Auto Drafter. That idea could be very useful in GUI.
Guest 11 months ago in  3 Future consideration

OpenSTAAD function to extract the capacity of members

OpenSTAAD function to extract the capacity of members, so that it will be used for additional checks as per Code
B Senthilkumar 10 months ago in  7 Future consideration

OpenSTAAD Function to Renumber Node

We request to at the OpenSTAAD function to renumber Nodes just like we do with beams.
Kanagarasu Kandasamy 2 months ago in  1 Future consideration