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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

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Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 8, 2024

IS 18168 : 2023 Earthquake Resistant Design and Detailing of Steel Buildings

It is new code introduced by IS Commitee for Steel Design. Those engineers working on STEEL Design across any industry will have to use all codal provisions suggested by IS8168. Accordingly STAAD Pro has to be upgraded.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Jan 8, 2024

    Thank you for posting this idea. However, I think you have mis quoted the code.

    IS 8168: Method for determination of available lysine in foods

    Do you mean IS18168:2023? If so then what sections/aspects of the code are you suggesting STAAD.Pro should implement?

    For example clause 5.8.2 states that:-

    For moment resisting frames in particular, detailed geometric non-linear analysis shall be carried out. But, the same may be neglected for any storey i, when the ratio 𝛼i of the secondary moment to the primary moment complies with:....

    Currently STAAD.Pro does offer geometric non-linear analysis. Are you looking for a method that can be used to verify whether the method needs to be used. i.e. a method to check the equation:-

    𝛼i = 𝑊i𝛥i / 𝐻i𝐹i ≤ 0.04


    Wi Weight acting on storey i

    Δi Lateral displacement of storey i, from linear elastic analysis

    Hi Height of storey i

    Fi Lateral load acting on storey i

    2 replies