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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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All ideas

Showing 371 of 371

Agregar mas opciones de tipos de conectores de Corte

Agregar la verificación de conectores de corte tipo Cruz, con perfiles tipo W HEA, HEB o perfiles Tubulares (circulares o cuadrados) dentro del la interfas de RAM que esta dentro del Staad Pro.
Guest 8 days ago in  2 Needs review

update to IBC 2021

No description provided
Bradley Oliver 8 days ago in  1 Needs review

To add Brazilian Design Code / NBR (Normas Brasileiras)

In light of the increasing opportunities in the construction business in Brazil, we strongly hope that STAAD Pro will support the Brazilian codes "NBR" in STAAD Pro. Specifically, we would like to see the following representative NBR codes include...
秀人 須藤 5 months ago in  4 Needs review

Provision of Effective Elastic Section Modules, Plastic Section Modules and beta values in output file while calculating bending capacity of slender member as per IS: 800-2007 (LSD)

In general, Most of PEB companies design the web as Slender members if the project location is in low seismic region. In such cases when we give the design report to consultant for approval, we get comment that web area is considered in calculatin...
vijay krishna 10 days ago in  0 Needs review

Exact and accurate mesh size in FEM for conservative results

Mesh size in FEM in staad is yet controversial topics, as different trials for different mesh size gives very diverse and biased result, Hence perfect mesh size for more accurate plate result needs to incorporate.
Sahil Shaikh 11 days ago in  0 Needs review

Renumber Tool for Physical Members (Analytical Modeler)

The AutoForm tool helps speed up generation of PMembers within an analytical modeler. Would be nice to have the ability to number physical members similar to how nodes and analytical elements like beam, plate, and solid elements are renumbered.
Guest 12 days ago in  0 Needs review

ASCE 7-22 and AISC 360-22

Please add AISC 360-22 and ASCE 7-22 in STAAD PRo. Codes already 2-years old.
Guest about 2 months ago in  0 Needs review

NSCP 2022 Philippines Seismic Load(similar to ASCE 7-10) addition

Requesting to add NSCP 2022 Philippines Seismic Load(similar to ASCE 7-10) addition to STAAD.Pro. Xstructures can provide all formula and technical documentation
Guest over 1 year ago in  4 Future consideration

Add an option for optimize to specify equal leg angles.

It would be nice to tell the optimizer to optimize to angles where the angle legs are equal. By default I prefer to specify equal legs, as it eliminates confuse and chances of error when the legs are the same size. So even if the optimizer suggest...
Dallin STRONG 17 days ago in  0 Needs review

Auto load combination for IS 802 part 4

It will be better is auto load combination for following IS codes, IS 802 Part 1/Sec1 2015 - Clause 13 - For Transmission tower Design IS 802 Part 4 2023 - Clause 13 - For latticed switchyard structure Design As of now only design code of IS 802 i...
Pandiaraja Veluchamy 17 days ago in  0 Needs review