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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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  1. Vote for an existing Idea. The popularity of an Idea helps us understand its importance to our users.

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All ideas

Showing 346 of 346

To add Brazilian Design Code / NBR (Normas Brasileiras)

In light of the increasing opportunities in the construction business in Brazil, we strongly hope that STAAD Pro will support the Brazilian codes "NBR" in STAAD Pro. Specifically, we would like to see the following representative NBR codes include...
秀人 須藤 15 days ago in  4 Needs review

Beam utilization listing with drop down box

The "actual ratio" button in postprocessing mode is not working for a lot of users in Subsea7. This button is supposed to re-arrange beam utilizations from default beam number order, to utilization ascending order, and is very helpful. The problem...
Guest about 12 hours ago in  0 Needs review

Beam numbering in output file of RCDC

Beam FB111 is secondary beam and beam FB347 to FB350 is primary beam. We want beam numbering reverse. Primary beam should have one number and secondary beam should split into four different numbers. We don't want group name in output file.
Swapnil Chaugule 11 days ago in  0 Needs review

Inclusion of SS EN 1998-1 Seismic Action & Accidental Torsion

Application of seismic action (including accidental torsion) for structure in Singapore using EN 1998-1 is cumbersome. Request to include this code in future development.
Guest 13 days ago in  0 Needs review

NSCP 2022 Philippines Seismic Load(similar to ASCE 7-10) addition

Requesting to add NSCP 2022 Philippines Seismic Load(similar to ASCE 7-10) addition to STAAD.Pro. Xstructures can provide all formula and technical documentation
Guest 11 months ago in  4 Future consideration

Add ability to show "Colour by Utilization Ratio" for 3D view in post processing workflow

It would be good to have a 3D view in post processing with colours of the beam as defined with a UR value. It is possible to have this with beam view now, but would be good if we have it for 3D view like SACS have. (as shown below for example).
Guest 2 months ago in  2 Needs review

In India we are using HAT section with lip but in staad pro we are not able design this section and it create lots of problem to all users in India to convince clients. So, Please add this section property in your section database.

No description provided
Guest 19 days ago in  1 Will not implement

Spring Support

Spring supports are created only in a particular direction. For e.g. base/soil springs. negative displacement is considered as compression. what if a steel base plate is to be modelled below a concrete slab. There is no way to create a compression...
Guest about 1 month ago in  4 Already exists

Integration OpenSTAAD with python

I consider that the way of using openstaad with VBA is somewhat tedious due to the characteristics of that programming language, therefore, my idea is to propose an openstaad repository but focused on python, which, in my opinion, would facilitate...
Guest 2 months ago in  1 Already exists

Add latest US Aluminum Design Code

STAAD.Pro has offered aluminum design and ASD code checking for many years based on the 1994 Aluminum Design Manual. Since that publication was issued 26 years ago, there have been five subsequent versions released in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2...
Steve Haymore about 2 years ago in  6 Future consideration