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Status Future consideration
Created by Dallin STRONG
Created on Dec 9, 2022

Extend the Take off Command to Plate elements

It'd be nice to be able to use the take-off command on plate elements. Similarly to beams where the take off give the section, length, and weight. Having the take off give thickness, area, and weight would be really helpful.

  • Dallin STRONG
    Dec 22, 2022

    This would great. This is a better approach then I was thinking. I don't personally use solids all that much, but I'd imagine that if I did to have a take off for them would be great too. Currently I hand calculate the plate elements I use, which can be a lot.

    Being able to add a take-off to a user report is something that I didn't realize I'd want until now. That would actually be great too.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Dec 22, 2022

    I dont really follow the question? The command CONCRETE TAKE OFF is designed to operate on objects that have been designed with a concrete design code. That does not make sense for an object assigned a steel property. However, I think what you are asking for is for the STEEL MEMBER TAKE OFF command which reports the quantities of steel members, to be extended to include plates that have been assigned a steel material property? That feels wrong as plats are not members. Maybe a better solution would be to add a new command for steel plates, STEEL PLATE TAKE OFF. So that might report along the lines of:-

    Thickness Area (m2) Weight (kg)

    10mm 20.000 1566.6

    12mm 50.000 4700.0

    However, would it not make more sense to have a more generic command that reports the quantities for any material, for members and plates along the lines of MATERIAL TAKE OFF which would use the following format which is repeated for objects assigned for each material in the model:-















    This would also have a option to filter based on a group or list as used with other commands.

    Additionally what would you think about having this reported in the post processing in a table and an item for the user reports?

    Would this be a better solution?

  • Dallin STRONG
    Dec 21, 2022

    Does the concrete take off command work on plate elements that are assigned steel materials?

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Dec 20, 2022

    Thank you for posting this suggestion. Can you clarify your request. There is a command for steel structures that operates on beams and columns, i.e. STEEL MEMBER TAKE OFF and a similar command for concrete structures CONCRETE TAKE OFF, which includes plates that have been designed. Are you looking for a more generic command that reports the volumes for various surfaces? Perhaps you could illustrate how you need to see the data reported with a mock up of a report for a typical structure.