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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 8, 2022

Latest Australian steel design code

Need latest Australian code- AS 4100- 2020 and As 3600-2018 to be implemented in staad urgently for our project execution.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Dec 20, 2022

    Note that there is already a posting for the Australian Seismic code, see SP-I-184

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Dec 20, 2022

    Thank you for posting these multiple requests. I am sure you would agree that this actually represents different development efforts which would need to be addressed sequentially and thus should be logged as separate ideas. We do already have the project to add a new steel design code to the latest Australian hot rolled steel code. I would suggest that this idea be focused on the steel code and you post separate ideas for each of the other efforts you would like to see added.

  • Abhijeet Gundaye
    Dec 17, 2022

    AS 3600:2018 code available in RCDC (SACD) for concrete design. Design of an Intermediate Moment resisting frame (IMRF) is available.
    The Design of the Special Moment resisting frame is as per NZS 1170.5 and NZS 3101 will be added to RCDC in future.