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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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All ideas

Showing 52

OpenSTAAD function to extract plate corner stresses.

Anyone who perform post-processing/detailed analysis on plated structures will benefit from this. The function could take a plate ID and loadcase as input, and give plate corner stresses for all corners as output.
Nikolai Aasprong 10 months ago in  1 Already exists

Distinct OpenSTAAD objects for each instance of Staad

At present only one OpenSTAAD object can be retrieved which acts globally for the Staad application which limits the efficient use of Staad. With the ever increasing system resources, having distinct OpenSTAAD objects for each instance of Staad wi...
Srinivasa Rao Masanam 3 months ago in  1 Already exists

Section properties edit to remember previous selection

When you open a Section from the Properties panel by double-click, you are prompted to the same Table, including section type as the one you double-clicked. That is OK. But the table is just opened regardless of what section size or configuration ...
Guest 10 months ago in  1 Already exists

OpenSTAAD function to get unfactored weight of selected sections and/or plates

Often it requires to prepare the material take off for structures. In order to fulfill this requirement, it will be helpful if there are functions to retrieve the following information:Unfactored weights of Sections and, Plates I believe there are...
Srinivasa Rao Masanam 6 months ago in  4 Already exists

Structure discontinuties not allowed for dynamic analysis

Structure discontinuties provided for thermal expansion isn't allowed in dynamic analysis, so provide feature so that we can analyse such structure without separating the model in individual file..
Sahil Shaikh over 1 year ago in  2 Already exists

automatic generation of wind load

The automatic generation of wind load should be made available to Indian code also apart from American code. It will save lot of time in analysis and manual calculation.
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

Upgrade the Staad Modeller Interface

The Staad Analytical modeler interface need more mouse controls. For example, the model rotate options using mouse left/right bottoms, Zoom options using mouse wheel buttons etc. should be introduced in the analytical modeler. This option is alrea...
Guest 9 months ago in  1 Already exists

Delete Pictures in v2023

No description provided
Guest 9 months ago in  1 Already exists

Automatic load generations (i.e. Wind Load or Seismic Load) to be used in the Reference Loads

Currently Automatic Wind/seismic Load cases can be generated in the Primary Load case only. Adding these in reference loads will give flexibility of applying different factors for different scenarios in basic load cases.
Guest 10 months ago in  1 Already exists

activate ALT+V+V Short Cut Key again in Connect version of STAAD.

This is very usefull in viewing, selecting to view, viewing whole structure without zooming out etc. This will make STAAD pro operation faster.
Guest over 1 year ago in  1 Already exists