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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

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Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 15, 2024

Beam utilization listing with drop down box

The "actual ratio" button in postprocessing mode is not working for a lot of users in Subsea7. This button is supposed to re-arrange beam utilizations from default beam number order, to utilization ascending order, and is very helpful.

The problem with this button not working, has been an issue ever since we went from V8i to CONNECT EDITION. Today I got the newest edition installed, and the button still does not work. I suggest that Bentley re-design this button to a drop down box, where the user can choose between beam number order, utilization ascending order, utilization descending order etc... It should be more stable with this design.

As I said, this has been an issue for several years now, and is really starting to be annoying. It also increases the risk of errors. We really like STAAD.Pro as a product, and hope it will stay the same going forward.

Ref ongoing ticket number: CS0307769. This ticket number refers to previous tickets on the same issue.

