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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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Status Needs review
Created by 秀人 須藤
Created on Oct 1, 2024

To add Brazilian Design Code / NBR (Normas Brasileiras)

In light of the increasing opportunities in the construction business in Brazil, we strongly hope that STAAD Pro will support the Brazilian codes "NBR" in STAAD Pro.

Specifically, we would like to see the following representative NBR codes included:

NBR 6118: Design of Concrete Structures

NBR 6123: Wind Force

NBR 8800: Design of Steel Structures

NBR 16239: Seismic Force

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Oct 1, 2024

    We certainly will continue to review all regional design requests. Suneetha please check your installed version as the AISC 360 22 was introduced earlier this year.

  • suneetha thumma
    Oct 1, 2024

    Hi Carlos , its not just Brazilian code , but latest American Code is also not updated in Bentley is there any plan for update if so by when ?

  • 秀人 須藤
    Oct 1, 2024

    We hope you will discuss this issue in Bentley.

    We believe many people are eager to use STAAD Pro. for project in Brazil.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Oct 1, 2024

    Many thanks for posting here. It is clear that the motivation is to provide a collection of enhancements in STAAD.Pro to make it suitable for design of construction projects in Brazil. This would be a major undertaking for which this would require a substantial business validation and structure to be put in place. It may make a lot more sense to identify smaller goals that could help your business in this market. With smaller steps a long journey can be made.