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Status Already exists
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 12, 2024


There should be a way to convert STAAD model to 3D pdf.

It will become easy for designers to hover over the model and get clear view of the geometry while modelling in 3D softwares. Inspite of inputs provided, they will have access to 3D pdf wherein they can just rotate the model and see whats going in there instead of engineers preparing many miscellaneous inputs for them.

  • Guest
    Apr 15, 2024

    I did'nt know about the ISM model. I tried and it worked. Thanks.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Apr 15, 2024

    The issue I have is that we already provide users a way to create a rendered 3D view in STAAD.Pro. If you are saying that you want designers to have access to a way to visualise a rendered 3D then the STAAD model can be exported as a digital iTwin. This creates an ISM model which can be viewed in the free tool iTwin Analytical Synchroniser. What added value does a 3D PDF offer?

  • Guest
    Apr 15, 2024

    Thank you for your suggestion. But you see only engineers have access to STAAD in majority of workplaces. So, for designers to have access to 3D model, 3D pdf is the best option available. Also, for pro structures we need to have license just to convert 3D model. I think there should be a free option directly to export to 3D pdf.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Apr 12, 2024

    Thank you for posting this idea. Whilst not PDF, the option already exists in the Analytical Workflow to generate a Rendered 3D which displays a solid view of the model with all profiles assigned in a separate window. Also a better option would be to create a model in the Physical Workflow and there the 3D rendering is used directly on the model. If you really want a PDF, then creating an iTwin using the Physical Modeller or ISM export means that the model can be opened in ProStructures which can create a 3D PDF.