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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Created by Tom Pallister
Created on Feb 14, 2024

Add load to the node/beam/element group using OpenSTAAD


I have an OpenSTAAD program that generates groups and that applies loads to the elements/beams/nodes in those groups.

However I'd like to apply the load to the group directly using openSTAAD as you can in the STAAD Command File?

What I want to achieve in the command file is this:


What I am getting is this:

1232 1236 TO 1240 1246 TO 1249 1487 1495 1501 TO 1512 1649 1652 -
1653 1656 TO 1658 1661 1663 PR GY -1

Using groups would mean whenever the groups are updated so would all the positions in which the loads are applied. I want to only update the group as the group is used in hundreds of places.

Hope You can help.

Best Regards,


  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Feb 19, 2024

    Thank you for posting this idea. The actual goal is to have the command created with the group name in the command line and not just have the function generate the command with the list of objects defined in the group.