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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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Status Future consideration
Created by Ola Joda
Created on Feb 9, 2024

Annotate Plate Stresses (Mx, My, Mxy, SQx, SQy)

Within the Annotation Menu, could you include Plates Stresses & Nodal Forces ?

This will be very useful to display specific plate /nodal results during compilation of Structural reports. Given that the contours only show a range of values. This range could be very large sometimes a bit general.

Please incorporate additional Tabs to:

  1. Annotate plates center stresses results (Mx, My , Mxy, SQx, SQy) and an option of "drop down filter" to display these results for "at least one" user selected Load case

  2. Also, Add a new tab to annotate "Element nodal forces" ( currently this is only available through PRINT ELEMENT FORCES). This would display the "total contribution" of all forces in Global direction from surrounding/adjacent plates which are connected to that specific node.


  • Ola Joda
    Mar 12, 2024

    You are welcome Carlos. It would definitely be great to include Solids too. Thanks

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Mar 8, 2024

    Thank you for providing this idea. Yes, this seems like a reasonable addition to compliment the other methods provided for nodes, beams and reactions. I would also say that this idea should also include solids too. This will be added to the backlog.