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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Created by Srinivasa Rao Masanam
Created on Oct 6, 2023

OpenSTAAD Function to Retrieve Errors and Warnings

Currently OpenSTAAD provides OpenSTAADUI:AnalyzeEx() which upon completion of the analysis returns an integer indicating the status analysis.

However, it will be helpful if there is a function which provides more information about the Errors and Warnings (may be in the form of a collection) in case the analysis was not completed successfully apart from provided the status.

As most of these errors or warnings are common, based on the type of error or warning, the automation tasks can continue or abort. This helps in utilizing the full power of the automation.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Oct 6, 2023

    Thank you for posting this idea. It does seem like an interesting request. Maybe something along the lines of GetAnalysisErrorInformation(AnalysisStatus, ErrorMessageArray(), WarningMessageArray(), NoteMessageArray()).Where the AnalysisStatus could indicate if the analysis completed successfully or not, then the three arrays would be used to obtain the messages (sizes can be determined from the functionGetAnalysisStatus(). If successful (i.e. no errors/warnings/notes, then all the arrays would be empty. Or are you thinking of something that could be called 'during' the analysis to monitor issues and if necessary used to terminate the analysis? If so then other functions would be needed to get 'live status info and also another to call for termination such as AnalyzeTerminate() the function returning if this was successful or failed such as due to the analysis not currently running.

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