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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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Status Future consideration
Created by Kanagarasu Kandasamy
Created on Jul 5, 2023

Insert node in members having built-up I-Section property.


When inserting a node into a beam having a tapered I-section property, the software automatically generates the properties for the new section and places it at the end of the property section.

This poses significant challenges during the optimization process and lacks proper control.

If you can add the new section just next to the existing section it would be much appreciated and can save lot of time to organize the section inputs.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Jul 10, 2023

    This would be addressed by providing a method for sorting the items listed in dialogs. This is an idea we are considering.

    1 reply
  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Jul 6, 2023

    Thank you for posting this idea. I can understand your request, but it would potentially cause more problems if new sections are injected into the data. The issue it would cause is that engineers who have developed solutions based on the properties in a given sequence, would suddenly find that the sequence has changed and could undermine any routines they might have developed.