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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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Status Planned
Created by Support REI
Created on Jun 20, 2023

JIS/TIS c-light lip section database for coldform steel design

Too many requirement for design the JIS/TIS c-light lip section as cold formed steel using STAAD. So, is it possible to have an JIS/TIS c-light lip section properties included in the database. If there are these section database in STAAD, it's can helps to work smoothly.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Aug 7, 2023

    Thank you for posting this idea. We have recently added a method for proving additional databases into STAAD based on some standard shapes. We are looking to extend the current offering to included cold formed shapes which include channels and angles with lips. Being able to provide a datbase of the Thai standard 1228-2561 may indeed be possible and will be added to the backlog.