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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 7, 2023

There sholud be a Way to Create a Physical Model from a working Analytical Model!

I know there is a way to use Copy/Paste Nodes, Members, Properties, Materials, etc.
Not Talking about the hard way of doing things- which involves trial and error and a lot of clean up.

Since the new recommended Workflow is promoting a Physical Modeler.
it is also a fact that Not All Features are Implemented in Analytical are Available in Physical Modeler and vice a versa OR requires hard coding in Analytical input file, as commands do not follow prescribed orders.

Both Physical and Analytical Model Should be Merged into a Single File- This will be tremendously helpful to users, instead of dealing with Two files which are highly error-prone.

While they remain a separate model, a Script Should be provided to Turn Any working Error free Analytical Model into a Physical Model.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Jun 7, 2023

    Thank you for posting this idea. This is indeed a good idea. We have a major initiative underway that will provide deign for physical models. as part of that initiative, we will be providing a method to start the physical model by importing the data from an existing analytical data file thus allowing old files to be brought into the physical domain. This will be phased and an early implementation will be made available later this year which will focus on the design of mat foundations. other design options will follow in due course.

  • Guest
    Jun 7, 2023

    A PDF of steps required in the meantime would be helpful.
    Also Heirarchy or order of precedence of Command in Anaytical Model would be helpful , instead of wasting and searching some article on internet that worked for someone.