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Status Future consideration
Created by Ankur Jain
Created on Sep 30, 2022

Extend PRINT CG for plates and solids

It will be very helpful for the estimation if PRINT CG command works for groups of plate and beams and solid also. This will give directly the weight and volume of certain part of model, which is most of the the basic parameter of optimization.

Right now we make all the different parts in different file and combine them for one model for analysis. This option is there in beam section will TAKE OFF but shall be applicable if groups are define in the model with plates and solids or both combine.


Ankur Jain

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Oct 4, 2022

    So really it is the Centre of Gravity that you are looking to have extended rather than extending the group attributes. It helps to make the title match your request. However, yes, I think the basic idea of extending the facility to report the centre of gravity to account for plate and solid objects is something we can look into and add into the backlog.

  • Ankur Jain
    Oct 4, 2022

    I am suggesting the way PRINT CG and TAKE OFF command works for the entire model and give us the Details of weight and BOQ of the structure. It will be very helpful if these commands works for the GROUPS those are define in the Model.

    If instead of entire model, we are interested in optimization of certain part of it, this will be helpful. If there can be a tab of this in which if we select the entries [Beams, Plates & Solids] then it return the properties like CG Weight and BOQ for the steel sections and material properties used.


    Ankur Jain

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Oct 4, 2022

    Thank you for posting this idea. I am not clear here if you are suggesting that the extension is in the GROUP definition or extending the PRINT CG command or a new facility to determine a report for a material schedule? If you could clarify, then that would help determine what we could add to the backlog.