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Created by Sahil Shaikh
Created on Aug 15, 2022

New staad module for all types of tank design

All professional, practicing engineers would benefitted. One click analysis and one click reinforcements design of any types of tank UG/elevated of any shapes like RCDC.
  • Vinubhai R Patel
    Jul 11, 2023

    Currently RCDC working for only Euro code to design water tank. Please consider IS codes so we can design as per IS code.

  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Aug 18, 2022

    Please check the Structure Wizard in the Physical Model workflow. You can see that a wizard has been provided for defining a tank that also creates a variety of loading including surcharge and water table loading. The point is that it is created using a script and you can define whatever loading you require.

  • Sahil Shaikh
    Aug 17, 2022
    Sir, there is many manually efforts are required in applying loading like lateral soil pressure and especially static and dynamic seismic like impulsive and convective pressure etc for underground and wlevated tanks of all types.Also for design of reinforcement and crack width check, the RCDC support only European code, not indian code,Will Bentley launch any separate tank module so that users can analyse, and design any type of RCC tank with static and dynamic loading along with reinforcement provision in a single click?? Thanks...
  • Admin
    Carlos Aguera
    Aug 17, 2022

    I am not clear what you have in mind. Please can you provide a little detail to explain your thoughts. Are you thinking of a modelling tool that can create a tank by parametrically defining the tank dimensions? If so, then we have provided that in the Physical Modeller structure wizard. I assume you know that the Advanced Concrete Deign workflow in STAAD.Pro uses RCDC to perform the design of these structures. If you are thinking of different types of tank, then what would be the dimensions and details that the engineer should provide?