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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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All ideas

Showing 52


Option for adding wall load (partition wall) as line load direct on slab should be added
Joseph Lucas Magare over 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

In the SPPM Spreadsheet: Members - Add Section Property and Material

As the title says, add section property and material to the Members spreadsheet in the physical modeler. This might not be "consistent" with how things are done in the spreadsheet ribbon, but so often when modelling the user wants to group the mem...
Ryan Freund over 2 years ago in  1 Already exists

Delete a saved view

Hi all, I made some views for the purpose of output extracting. However, I made some mistakes and some of the saved view are not proper as I want. Could I delete a view somehow? For example as in the picture below, how can I delete the view "B1 n...
Guest over 2 years ago in  1 Already exists

Translational Repeat in non-global directions

It would be better to have Translational repeat for inclined planes too in addition to X/Y/Z with reference plane or nodes. It is good for adding members or frames from inclined plane to same inclination plane
Guest over 2 years ago in  1 Already exists


May you please add RC Designer in the next update of Staad pro CE
Joseph Lucas Magare over 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

Diaphragms Easily Corrupted

I've had trouble using rigid diaphragms in the Physical Modeler. When I select a group of nodes and assign them a diaphragm all at once the diaphragm produces an error in the Analytical Modeler. When I add the same nodes to a diaphragm one by one ...
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

BS 8110

BS 8110 should be added currently is not available in design at analytical modeling ,the BS available for concrete is only BS 8007.
Joseph Lucas Magare over 3 years ago in  1 Already exists

Keyboard Alt for Menu shortcut

This feature is shown every time I press Alt key to quickly access the menu options. However this slows down the menu option selection on the Ribbon tab. On the V8i Select Edition, it is very smooth and quick to use Alt + Shortcut Letter (just und...
Guest over 4 years ago in  1 Already exists

Rigid member

Add a default section and material to be used as a rigid member in lieu of OFFSET. Make sure that profile and material are bein created in such way that the deflection of rigid member is as less as it can be without any warning.
Guest over 4 years ago in  1 Already exists

Add plastic moduli

Please add the plastic moduli when displaying the member properties. This includes in the detailed code check, the property tab when you double-click a member, the PRINT MEMBER PROPERTIES command and the section properties table in the GUI (did I ...
Randy Killian over 4 years ago in  2 Already exists