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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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All ideas

Showing 49

Reports: Add Block for Descriptive Title, as before Ver. 23.0

Versions previous to 23.0 allowed a descriptive title in the header block. Now the reader has no clue what the report is about, except maybe by the file name. See attached file which shows descriptive title, right up front where you expect it.
Guest 3 months ago in  0 Needs review

Add custom labels to geometry

The ability to add reference labels to geometry (or note), so when the whole model is displayed you can have visual reference of what each item represents, ie label gridlines, elevations
Guest 3 months ago in  1 Needs review

Getting the beam & column reinforcment in table format in the design report

Report generation is significantly improved in the latest version. it will be great, If user able get the beam & column design details like , grade of concrete, member size, reinforcement required, reinforcement provided etc. in an table forma...
Guest 4 months ago in  1 Needs review

Tapered bracket cantilever design

In design of buildings sometimes we need to takeup tapered bracket or counterbalance supported tapered cantilever cross section At the moment we can not design tapering cross section in staad pro connection edition
Guest over 1 year ago in  1 Needs review

Pipelink Improvement

The pipelink transfer of loads from AutoPIPE to STAAD is currently very limited for guide-type supports and other multi-direction supports. A guide support will have vertical loads as well as lateral loads. Depending on the direction of the latera...
Michael Wood 10 months ago in  5 Needs review

Reuse the water tank module to form a retaining wall module in SPPM

Are there any plans to use the Water Tank module in Structure Wizard in the Physical Modeler to create a retaining wall module? It seems like this could be developed easily from the water tank module.
Richard Tully over 1 year ago in  1 Needs review

Add angles measurement tool

It would be helpful to add a measurement of angles function to the program especially when dealing with complicated angles and geometry it will help speed up the modeling process and aid in efficiency.
Josh Morris about 1 year ago in  2 Needs review

Edit Member selection in Steel AutoDrafter

Useful when passing drawing to drafting team as they don't have to edit the received drawing, wasting their valuable time.
Guest over 1 year ago in  2 Needs review

Direct Analysis Method. Reduction stiffness for Strength and nominal stiffness for Service

According to the code and standard practice, stiffness reduction for DAM applies for Required Strength analysis, but for Design Strength calculation and for Service check, nominal stiffness is to be used. To be able to indicate Staad which combina...
Guest 11 months ago in  3 Needs review

UC summary based on Profile Shape and Group

Please prepare a UC summary table Profile size wise, Group Wise from
Guest 11 months ago in  1 Needs review