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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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All ideas

Showing 21

Add a content overview table in the new Report workflow in STAAD 2023.

Requested by Provides summary of report contents.
Richard Tully 11 months ago in  1 Planned

Add a table of contents with embedded hyperlinks to the new report workflow in STAAD 2023? Similar to what other applications like ETABS, spColumn have.

Above idea suggested by It adds features already available in other products.
Richard Tully 11 months ago in  1 Planned

Implementation of the latest update of AISC 360 (2022)

No description provided
Guest 12 months ago in  1 Planned

Universal Setting for Design Results Colour

It would be useful to be able to a universal setting for different colors for different range of utilization ratios in the model to visually inspect. Right now they are only File Specific which means I will have to manually change the utilisation ...
Guest 12 months ago in  3 Planned

expand decimal numbers from 2 to 3+ in Property dialog box

currently, only 2 decimal numbers are displayed for plate thickness. when there are different plate thickness are input, and the thickness differences is on the 3rd decimal number, it will be hard to figure out which one is which, since they are d...
Guest about 1 year ago in  1 Planned

Sorting function of member properties

A really useful feature for steel structures would be a function to sort all the section properties alphabetically/numerically. In large structures it becomes very hard to follow what section is what once you hit around 100 different section prope...
Guest about 1 year ago in  1 Planned

Add "highlight assigned geometry" checkbox to the Loads window

Adding "highlight assigned geometry" checkbox to the Loads window would be a beneficial feature to see what members loads are applied to. It would also be more consistent with the other tabs: Properties, Specifications, etc.
Ryan Cates about 1 year ago in  1 Planned

Pipelink Transfer Loading Improvement

The Transfer Loading dialog in the Piping workflow is limited in functionality. It could be improved by adding a checkbox to change the Action and Class columns for all loads. If I want to change all the loads to primary loads, it is very tedious ...
Michael Wood about 1 year ago in  1 Planned

Leave current load highlighted

In the Loads window when you pick an existing load it highlights that load clearly. However, if you then click into the model window, say, to assign a member to that load, it changes it to a very light grey background. If you are going down the li...
Randy Killian over 3 years ago in  1 Planned

Assigning DJ1 / DJ2 to a model to define start/end of members must improve

To be forced to go assign both a node # and every member between 2 nodes for a few beams is not a big deal but when it's a giant model, it takes days to assign these values for deflection checks. Something must be done to make this more user frien...
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Planned