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STAAD.Pro Ideas Portal

Welcome to the STAAD.Pro Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

You have 3 options for providing feedback:

  1. Vote for an existing Idea. The popularity of an Idea helps us understand its importance to our users.

  2. Comment on an existing Idea. We want to hear your unique point of view.

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All ideas

Showing 318 of 318

ADD the slenderness ratio to the normalized ratio

If the slenderness ratio meets the requirements, but its normalized ratio is not shown in the utilization table, can the slenderness ratio be added to the utilization table, which will help the designer to understand the condition of the member.
Guest about 16 hours ago in  0 Needs review

Introduce "Dynamic pictures" for quick reports update

Hello, Could you introduce "Dynamic Pictures" in STAAD? Engineers spend a good amount of time in generating clearly annotated and detailed reports for customers. In a completive world, time is key. A dynamic picture would completely eliminate rout...
Ola Joda 4 days ago in  0 Needs review

Provide detailed calculations and formulas

Can you provide calculations which are similar to the connection design, i.e. include detailed calculations as well as formulas?
Guest 7 days ago in  1 Will not implement


There should be a way to convert STAAD model to 3D pdf. It will become easy for designers to hover over the model and get clear view of the geometry while modelling in 3D softwares. Inspite of inputs provided, they will have access to 3D pdf where...
Guest 11 days ago in  4 Already exists


No description provided
Guest 7 days ago in  1 Needs review

mass Load generator in Physical Modeller

It would be useful if Mass Model generator is included in physical Modeller.
Mr Vijayarathnam 8 days ago in  1 Needs review

NSCP 2022 Philippines Seismic Load(similar to ASCE 7-10) addition

Requesting to add NSCP 2022 Philippines Seismic Load(similar to ASCE 7-10) addition to STAAD.Pro. Xstructures can provide all formula and technical documentation
Guest 5 months ago in  4 Future consideration

automated loading for intz tank

automated tool for hydrostatic loading should be included
Guest 19 days ago in  1 Needs review

Include the moving load possibility in physical model

No description provided
Guest about 2 months ago in  3 Needs review

Improve beam/node selection for reporting loads

Add some kind of functionality to categorize "connection types" to simplify reporting of loads. While there is functionality to group members and to group nodes, there is no way to overlap them. When I want the connection loads for certain members...
Michael Wood 22 days ago in  6 Needs review